VisualWeb Co., Ltd

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Name: Visual Web Co., Ltd.

Head Office: B4-564/7, Lumpinee Center, Happyland
Bangkapi, Bangkok THAILAND 10240

Tel.: (+66-2) 3749827-8, Fax: (+66-2) 374-9823


Established: May 12th, 1999


Services Offered: Web design, web hosting, domain name registration, search engine listing, web site promotion, e-commerce solutions, database programming

REFERENCES : All in all about 28,888 ++ web sites in Thailand. Worldwide there are about 189,888 Domains on these servers.

Our Clients


The Internet or WORLD WIDE WEB consists of a multitude of independent networks, which are connected to each other via means of fiber optic cables, satellite links, telephone and cable TV lines, etc.

It is therefore an ideal means to provide, receive and exchange information on a worldwide basis. Moreover, it is faster and far cheaper than other existing means of communication.

Therefore, a big and steadily growing number of companies is using the Internet for advertisement, online commerce (sales, purchases and payments), and communication with prospective and existing customers via their own web sites. In August 2003 there were an estimated 120 million web sites comprising 550 million web pages on the World Wide Web.

In the last two and a half years, the number of Internet users has more than tripled. In August 1999 there were approximately 100 million registered users worldwide and this number is estimated to reach about 350 million users until the year 2005. Indeed, the real number of users is far higher, as for every registered user there will be several others, which can access the Internet via their friend’s or company’s computer or from one of the many Internet cafes and restaurants. Therefore the real number of Internet users can be estimated to be five to six times higher than the number of registered users. Therefore you can reach a huge number of potential customers with your company’s web site.


You can introduce yourself or your business to a huge number of potential customers worldwide, 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.
You can interact and communicate easily and fast with your customers, receiving and making online inquiries, orders and payments on a worldwide basis.
Your web site can be easily updated to provide information about your new products and services or to periodically publish your on-line newsletters for your customers.
You can provide answers to questions frequently asked by your customers by creating a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page.
Your web site will be easily found by other users, as it will be included in a multitude of online ‘yellow pages’ directories.
You can keep advertising expenses low. An advertisement on the WWW is far cheaper than a comparable advertisement in a newspaper, on TV or in the cinema.


- We will discuss your company’s or organization’s requirements and analyze your needs to be able to develop the best possible Internet strategy for you.
- We will carefully and professionally develop a web site according to your wishes and requirements and put it on the WWW.
- We will register your web site with the organizations, who oversee the activities on the WWW (InterNIC or ThaiNIC).
- We will list your web site with a multitude of search engines (online ‘yellow pages’ directories).
- We will offer consultation services concerning promoting and advertising your web site and all web-related topics.
- We will promote and advertise your web site according to your requirements.
- We will maintain and update your web site, if and when necessary.
- We will, upon your wish, steadily monitor and measure the effectiveness of your web site and report to you on a periodical basis

Partners Logo

Visual Web Co., Ltd
564/7 Lumpinee Center B4, Happyland, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240, Thailand
Tel.: (+66-2) 374-9827 (-8), 375-7107; Fax: (+66-2) 374-9823
A Member of the Visual Web Group of Companies